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Link your TikTok Shop Products

Link your products to automate fulfilment from Tik Tok Shop.

Updated over a year ago

With our TikTok Shop integration, you'll need to create products in your shop and then link them in the integration afterwards to automate your orders.

Once your products are linked, any orders that your customers place will be sent to us for printing automatically.

If you haven't yet created any products in your TikTok Shop, find out how to do this in our other article and then come back to learn how to link them.

Step 1: Open the TikTok integration.

Click the link above to load your TikTok products in our integration.
Your TikTok Shop products will be listed on this page, and you will need to link any approved products that show "Not linked yet".

If your product has an exclamation mark like the one below, you need to head back to the TikTok seller centre to resubmit your product.

But if your product is approved and has a green tick, you can begin the linking process.

Click Edit on an approved product to begin linking it to our service.

Step 2: Link existing product.

Then, select Link in the top-right corner and type the name of the product you want to link this to. For example "Creator", or "11oz Mug".

Select the relevant option in the dropdown field.

The style option has now been selected, and the next step is to link your product options.

You'll see those are listed down the page, and each one has an empty checkbox.

After you check a box, you will see more options appear on the right-hand side.

The information on the left-hand side is what your customer will see, and the information on the right-hand side is how we would receive that option in an order.

Link each option as follows:

  • Tick the box on the left.

  • Change the Colour and Size information on the right-hand side to match the information on the left-hand side.

    • For example, this option is an Atlantic Blue t-shirt in size X-small, and we matched the dropdown fields on the right-hand side to make this equal.

  • Select a Brand and Label print if necessary, then click "Apply the same branding options for all variants" if you'd like to use the same Brand for all variants.

Work your way through checking the boxes and linking the variants until you reach the Mock up section.

Step 3: Upload your mockup and print files.

Mockups are used by our team for quality check purposes and must be selected for every product.

  • Select the mockup that has been auto-populated from TikTok.

Finally, you need to upload a print file to tell our printers which design to print and where.

The print file you upload must be templated for the product that you're uploading it to. For example, if you're uploading a design to a t-shirt, make sure this is within a 32x50cm template file. (Templates can be found on every product page on our website, under the main image.)

Upload your templated print file under the Print file heading. If you want a front and back print, upload your front print first and then back print file second.

The print files you upload here will be used for all options of this product.

Optional: If you need to add variant-specific print files, you can go back through the variants and upload Print-ready design images for each one.

Click Save and you'll be returned to your list of linked products.

The green bar next to each represents the percentage of variants that have been linked. If yours is 100% linked then you're good to go!

If you have any other unlinked products, repeat this step until they all display as fully linked.

What's next?

Your product is now linked and orders will be received automatically.

But remember, payment isn't received automatically!

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